Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's Official-- We've Been Appointed!

After lots of prayer, meetings, forms, and evaluations, we were officially notified today that we have been appointed to serve as long-term missionaries with Trans World Radio (TWR). We anticipate that we will serve on Bonaire, a small Dutch island off the coast of Venezuela, South America, but we are willing to go wherever we are needed most.

Our next step of the process is to gather a team of prayer and financial supporters who will commit to partner with us as we minister with TWR long-term. We pray that God will help us clearly present the ministry to those He has chosen to partner with us. Please pray alongside us for strength and safety as we will be traveling a lot and our schedules will be busy.

We are also gathering information for those folks who would like more information and/or want to receive updates in the mail. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you fit into this category. We will still be updating this website but would love to you connect with you on a more personal level. Thanks for your love and prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Ryan and I are so excited for you both! We will continue to pray for your family as God continues to reveal His plan for you! :)
