Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How much do I care?

New technologies have created limitless opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Trans World Radio utilizes many of these methods to reach untold millions of individuals, families, and communities every day. I am so thankful for new ways to shrink the gap between me and the rest of the world. However, I was overwhelmed recently with a sense of responsibility as well. Not so many years ago I could blame my apathy and inaction on the outrageous cost of traveling to distant lands or even the high price of a long-distance call to a different state. If a friend moved to another state or even to another town outside of my area code, I could count on not talking to her again except the rare case that I might visit her or she might visit me. I could always write letters, but life frequently got busy and she usually just faded from my memory, thoughts and prayers and was filed into the mental folder of “people I used to know.”

Now, thanks to Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and the like, I probably quickly find out where that friend in California ate breakfast today and who she was with (there might even be a mobile uploaded picture as proof.) “So the world is flat. What’s the big deal? ” you may be wondering. Just the other night the big deal occurred to me. I am now able to minister to others that I might have mentally filed away. Each and every day many people post status updates, photo albums, tweets, blog posts, comments, etc… I believe that each of these is a silent request for someone to care about my world and what happens in it. You might say, “I just like to post things.” You might be right. Be just think. Would I spend any time writing this post if I knew that no one would ever read it or be affected by it? You see, I can now reach outside my “Christian bubble” each time I get online. The walls are being broken down. I might be afraid to walk up to someone I haven’t seen in years and begin a deep conversation with her, but I might not be as afraid to write on her wall or re-tweet a comment.

For this reason, I ask you to take advantage of the wonderful opportunity to “…set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess” (I Peter 3:15, NET). Also, keep in mind that your testimony as a Christ-follower is on the line. With new technology comes the blessing of a higher level of accountability among believers but also a greater responsibility to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19) as geographical borders become less of a limitation.

I would love to hear of some ways you have used new forms of technology to connect with others in a meaningful way to show others how much you care!

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